If you are running the application on an iOS device: This contains the iOS app and not the realm files. Note: There is another ID at the path ~/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/. Under ‘Open Files and Ports’ search for the extension ID at the path ~/data/Containers/Data/Application/. Locate and double click on the application you are running. To find the, when the application is running in the simulator, open the Mac utility ‘Activity Monitor’. Click on the simulator you are building with to see the uuid under ‘Identifier’. If you are using Swift with Realm Swift, when running the application, pause the simulator and type the command : po Īnother way the can be found is in Xcode > Window > Devices and Simulators > Simulators.
The realm file directories can be found at the path: /Users//Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices//data/Containers/Data/Application//Documents/
If you are running the application on an iOS simulator: